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Sleuthfest 2019

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Sleuthfest 2019 registration has begun! As most of you know, Cathi and I met at Sleuthfest 2018, a limited-space mystery writer’s conference held in Boca Raton, Florida. We loved the intimate feel of this event that will be held March 14-17, 2019. Not only do you learn from a successful author faculty, you also get to interact with some top agents and editors in the publishing industry. There is even a forensic track for those of you that want to add authenticity to your fictional crimes. If this sounds like the conference for you then sign up now for an early bird discount. This also give you time to save up for the transportation and hotel … and to find a roommate. It is fun to have a fellow writer friend to divide and conquer with since it is impossible to attend all of the fantastic workshops. Sleuthfest is Friday-Sunday with Third-Degree Thursday as an add-on or stand-alone. There are discounts for early sign-ups and for students, librarians, and educators. You can also bring your significant other to the nighttime events, for only $50, after they have spent the day lounging at the pool or exploring the beaches and attractions in south Florida. They will love you for the winter getaway even if the dinner conversations about murder and mayhem makes their sunburned skin crawl.

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