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Monday Question – Healthy Snacks for 2019

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Hey GOB writers, snacks can really help a writer keep it going. What are some healthy snacks that you like to carry you to the next meal?

Cathi:  My go-to snack is a little plate of cheese, Triscuits, and a  sliced apple or pear.  Quite often, I’ll refill the plate and the snack turns into my next meal.  But that’s ok, right?

Christie:  I must admit that I am a big snacker and salty and crunchy is my favorite. If there are chips in the house, they don’t last long. There are some chips that are made with coconut oil and sea salt but I wouldn’t exactly call them healthy. So when I want to be good I munch on some nuts or hummus and veggies. Both are great for energy and to take the edge off my hunger.

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