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Happy New Year 2021!

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In the final episode of 2020, Christie and Cathi raised their glasses to exactly that, the end of 2020!

Cathi blew their usual budget for a glass of the delicious Jessup Cellars Zinfandel. Christie chose the highly-rated and economically priced Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc.

Warmed, or cooled, by their imbibing choice, their conversation zoomed from New Year’s Eve traditions, to HBO Max’s streaming service, and to Deb Haaland, soon to be the new Sectretary of the Interior. Of course, they had to touch on goal setting for 2021, ideas on recycling that Christmas tree, and finally rested the conversation on the Pantone colors of the year.

Listen to the full episode for more, or you can watch the episode on our YouTube Channel.

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