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Wednesday Update: Sleuthfest Bound, part 2!

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A year ago, I took a leap of faith and attended Sleuthfest, my first writing conference.  With the first session, I knew I was where I was supposed to be. And now, a year later, I’m attending again.  My novel is much, much further along and in a better place than it was last year at this time.  Christie and I did more than talk at Sleuthfest, where we met.  We followed through, started a blog and a podcast!  And now, I have the opportunity to introduce one of the highlighted authors and Christie and I are interviewing some amazing authors for GOB podcast!  I’m very excited to see what this year’s Sleuthfest will bring.

Here’s the link to my super bright and happy new suitcase.  I won’t have a hard time spotting this on the luggage carousel!

When it comes to packing, I have become a fan of packing cubes.  Makes my heart happy.

And in those cubes?

I’m doing something different for this trip. I’m using a capsule wardrobe.  No specific outfits planned, just a lot of mix and match.  We’ll see how it goes.

Pack something warm!  conference rooms are notoriously cold and this pashima will keep me warm this year.  I ordered this a few weeks ago.  Perfect for this crazy SD winter and for a Florida hotel.

Don’t forget your business cards!  I just bought this cute business card  holder.  This cord organizer is coming with me.  I’m hoping it helps prevent a mess in my carry-on.  And, of course, bring a notebook!  Sine I’ve started attending writer’s conferences, I’ve started a new notebook for each one.  there’s something special about starting a new notebook, just like attending a conference.  Both are full of possibilities!

And don’t forget a little self care while you’re there.  I love packing face masks and always bring my yoga mat.

What are your packing tips?  Please share!



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