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GOBrecs Book Club – The Maid & Lucky

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In this week’s GOBrecs Book Club – The Maid & Lucky episode, we are recommending two fantastic books that would please everyone in your book reading group! Have a listen …

We both chose novels by authors we hadn’t read before. How did we decide what to read, you ask? Cathi tells her story about how she chose Lucky and it involves this quote by the great John Irving:

“Whenever possible, tell the entire story of a novel in the first sentence.”

Cathi chose to pair food and wine with Lucky by Marissa Stapley

Lucky Armstrong is a con artist with a conscience and a woman in need of a solution, one that only her cunning, wit, and training has prepared her for. She was raised by her father to be his sidekick, the two driving across the country in search of the next grift. All Lucky wanted was to be a normal kid, one who could go to school, make friends, and sleep  in the same bed at night.  Instead, her life is surrounded by cons she and her father and then she and her BF pull, but always with the guilt and awareness on the side. After she and Cary, the BF, steal a large amount of money, intending it to be their last con, but the things go awry, Lucky’s been duped and left alone, only to discover she’s legitimately bought a lottery ticket worth millions, though she can’t claim her winnings because then she’d be caught for her crimes. She goes on the run, trying to undo all the damage she’s done. You won’t be able to stop reading to see how it ends.

Order the book here for you and a friend (indie or Then have a great discussion paired with 19 Crimes The Banished and homemade mac and cheese. Here’s a good recipe on Half Baked Harvest

Christie’s choice was The Maid by Nita Prose. 

Nita Prose’s debut novel, The Maid, makes the list for the kind of book Christie craves right now. It’s charming, clever, and uplifting. The main/maid character, Molly, loves her job. Clean and orderly is how she likes everything in life. The nuances of social interactions allude her, which makes her vulnerable to those with nefarious intentions. But the reader will find her lovable and become her champion. This GOB Rec is one that you can share with all types of readers looking for a mystery with heart.

Order your copy here and order a few extra for gifts (indie or Pair it with Unsullied Chardonnay and Olive Garden takeout. If you want to make your own, try this delicious recipe, Slow Cooker Olive Garden Chicken Pasta from The Magical Slow Cooker. Christie likes to add a little spinach for a yummy addition! 

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