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GOBrecs Book Club – King & Grisham

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In this week’s GOBrecs Book Club – King and Grisham episode, we went old school where we plan food and wine around crime fiction books! Have a listen …

Cathi chose to pair food and wine with The Judge’s List by John Grisham. 

Grisham has long been one of Cathi’s favorites. Judicial Conduct Investigator Lucy Stoltz is back (she first appeared in The Whistler); she’s at a crossroads and uncertain of her next professional and personal steps when an informant appears with information on a judge she’s been personally investigating for years – a serial killer sitting on the Bench – with no other complaints against him except for a string of unsolved murders. It’s a fantastic escape.  

As Cathi explains about Grisham’s books …

“He’s sneaky, he starts in kind of slow, he eases you into the story, and you don’t think too much is going on right away. Then, all of a sudden, you can’t stop reading the thing. ”

Order your copy here (indie or and pair it with Seaglass Pinot Grigio and Fish tacos. Cathi’s favorite recipe comes from Natasha’s Kitchen

Christie’s choice was Billy Summers by Stephen King. 

One of her first favorite authors, Christie has been reading King’s books for decades. Billy Summers delves into the idea of good vs. bad that often crops up in King’s novels, even as far back as The Stand. (Thank goodness our current pandemic hasn’t been as bad as the one King chronicled in that epic story.) As the title character in this new novel, Billy Summers is an assassin who only targets “bad” guys. We follow him through what is supposed to be his final job and get to know him through his cover as a writer. In true masterful form, King weaves a dark tale that explores the shades of gray between the black and white view of Billy Summer’s world. A great read you will be thinking about for years to come.

Order the book here for you and a friend (indie or Then plan a lively discussion paired with Josh Prosecco and Huevos Rancheros. Christie followed the easy peasy recipe found on COOKIE + kate and it was as delicious as it looks.

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