This week’s Corks & Conversation with Alan Orloff episode kicks off our “Manuary!” Have a listen …
After the first half of Season Four of GOB of some amazing women crime fiction writers, we decided to let some men have fun with us too!
Alan Orloff is the award-winning author of 10 novels and even more short fiction. His latest book, I Play One On TV, is a YA thriller that follows teen actor Dalton Black, who not only plays a teen killer on TV, he becomes a real life stalking victim of a teen killer. We loved this unique storyline and when asked about his inspiration for this premise, here’s what he had to say…
“Well, it came from an email I got, believe it or not. For all you writers out there, if you get an email that says ‘this is a great story idea’ in the subject line, open it up. Pay attention to that.”
Christie picked St. Regis Secco, a de-alcoholised sparkling wine, which goes with both the YA genre and those doing a dry January. And we learned a new word, “de-alcoholised.” Get a couple copies of this page-turner, one for you and one for the teen in your life, and enjoy a great read (indie or!
Alan writes in many different genres, and he attributes this to reading history…
“When I went to the library, it didn’t seem, to me, as genre-divided as it is now. I would just go looking for a good book. So some of the books I read were crime fiction, some would just be science fiction, or horror, or regular old good books. So, in my mind, if I get an idea that I want to pursue, and this was true earlier in my writing career, I would just write it.”
We met at Sleuthfest, so we love the story Alan told of his experience at this mystery conference. Something all writer’s dream of!
“4AM, I woke up in the middle of the night, and I had the idea of a novel completely formed in my head. It was unbelievable. It was ‘Pray For The Innocent.’… …The only drawback is: now every morning when I wake up, I’m just a little bit disappointed.”
We laughed a lot during this first Corks & Conversation for 2022 and we are sure you will too!
Here are some highlights from the episode:
5:38 Great things do come from emails!
6:47 This story idea hit very close to home
8:03 When see a familiar face
11:20 YA books aren’t only for YA readers
17:09 All good things happen at SleuthFest
21:00 Not your grade school outline
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