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Cathi and I got together last week and came up with a new game plan. We would alternate Wednesday blogs so that we can keep up with our writing, podcasting, and life but still be connected through the blog. So here is my first Wednesday Update …

After our whirlwind week where we worked on whatever we wanted  – just kidding. I was trying to keep the w’s going. We worked on all our joint projects and accomplished more than I thought we would. We did 4 podcasts and more than that in blogs. We set up a schedule that we can live by and are now able to get back to our original love … writing mystery novels.

But lest you think that means just writing and creating stories, I will tell you that so far that hasn’t happened. First I must say that I have another round of querying on my to do list. I did a round in January where I sent out 10 letters. I have gotten three rejections so far and the jury is still out on the remaining six. I plan on sending another 10 in the next week so fingers crossed.

Second, I had to submit the first 25 pages of my WIP for critique at Sleuthfest. The deadline snuck up on me so I had only time for a light edit. After submission, I started more editing and changing the tense from past tense to present tense. We are talking major changes. I now am cringing at what I submitted in a rush last week. So hopefully, the agent who is doing the critique puts it off until the plane ride to the conference, so I can resubmit before she reads it. Like I said, cringe worthy!!

Finally, I spent an inordinate amount of time researching the name of the flowering trees outside my window. Cathi admired them when she was here and asked what they were. Well I’m ashamed as an environmentalist that I didn’t know and I’m doubly ashamed that I barely noticed them up until then. To be fair, our landscape is very lush and she was used to seeing snow. But, still, I felt compelled to take an edit break for a little research and take a picture. The flowers are a little past their prime, but still lovely. And now I know that the tree/plant is Clerodendron quadriloculare  or the common name is Starburst.

Have a great day … I’m going back to work!

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