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2019 Goals: A Reading Log!

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On our podcast this week (Episode 10), Christie and I discussed New Year’s goals.  I’m working hard to avoid to BIG, unrealistic goals, and instead trying to create small, new habits that can lead to bigger things.  But, I’m still tempted.  For example, I wanted to set a reading goal this year.  100 books?!  Why not?  We’ll for sure read at least 52, thanks to the Game of Books podcast (Have you subscribed yet?  If you’re new to podcasts, Christie explained them  in her latest blog).  But, I know even setting a number is setting myself up for a less than preferred outcome.

Instead, for the first time, I’m going to track my reading.  If you’re interested in tracking yours, I’m sharing my Reading Log template below.  In addition to tracking, I’m going to read heavily from my already-purchased To Be Read pile (or shelves).  I love books and never regret buying them.  But, my TBR shelf is starting to sag.  The solution?  Read from it and slide those read to the library shelves.  Another reading-related goal? Organize those shelves! That might be going too far.

What are you reading goals for 2019?

Game of Books 2019 Reading Log

1 Comment

  1. Christie

    Thanks, Cathi! I love the template and will have it handy to fill out this year! Need to help my memory any way I can!